Monday, November 17, 2008


I messed around a bit over on the MOLDI website (Mid-Ohio Library Digital Initiative). I browsed through some of the e-book and audio book titles and experimented with checkout procedures, just to get a feel for how the whole thing works.
Honestly, I'm not a big fan of the whole digital media movement. I don't think that a person should have to have access to some sort of gadget at all hours of the day just to read a damn book...however, I have a creeping suspicion that all readers of print media will be forced to go digital by the powers that be (publishers, libraries) in the near future. Of course, consumers could resist this trend en masse, but I know that most people will just go with the flow instead of actually exerting any effort to take a stand on anything. You know, it's that whole "give me convenience or give me death" mentality.

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