Monday, October 27, 2008

On the Subject of Wikis

I'm not exactly a stranger to all this wiki business, as we CML rovers have our own blog, "Speed Bumps", which (at the time of this writing) can only be accessed by rover/infoline staff.
Hence, there wasn't anything too novel in the other libraries' wikis that I examined.
As for Speed Bumps, of course it's great for staff communication, but it's also a very convenient tool for storing updated points of policy, contact information (lots and lots of frequently requested and/or dialed numbers all in one place) and dates for a garden variety of events and programs throughout the city.
One of the coolest features of Speed Bumps, IMO, is that you can access it from home (I often check the rover info schedule, which is always posted there).
Let me know what you think,

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