Thursday, September 4, 2008

Easiest and Hardest Habits

For me, the easiest of the Lifelong Learner habits is #2, Accepting Responsibility For My Own Learning.
The hardest is #6, Using Technology To My Advantage.



[GreenBeen] said...

Hey Harold,
It sounds like you're doing great with flickr! For me, Habit #1, beginning with the End in mind, is one of the easiest for me because it's what I refer to when I get frustrated and it helps me stay motivated and take a different approach if I've come to a dead end. Sometimes, though, it's hard for me to have confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner (#4) because of my tendency to self-blame. I tend to make things my fault - whether it really is or not. So, when I happen upon challenges that are too difficult for me to overcome in the first few tries, I decide I can't and that it's something I'm supposed to know how to do but don't. Notice how much I embellished on what I need to work on, and not what I'm good at!


harl3570 said...

Hey, Rebekah
I'm glad that somebody is paying attention to my ramblings on here...